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Basic Policy on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism

The Gifu Shinkin Bank
The Gifu Shinkin Bank (the “Bank”) considers measures on anti-money-laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (“AML/CFT”) as one of the most important business management challenges for the Bank and works on establishing the following internal management framework.

1.Organizational Framework

(1) The Board of Directors of the Bank recognizes the importance of AML/CFT and actively works on measures on AML/CFT.
(2) The Bank appoints a responsible director and controlling department for AML/CFT measures and establishes an integrated internal management framework.

2.Customer Management

The Bank complies with various laws and ordinances for AML/CFT measures and appropriately conducts customer management, such as customer identification before entering into transactions.

3.Suspicious Transactions Reporting

The Bank promptly reports to the authorities regarding suspicious transactions detected by reports from branches or during transaction monitoring.

4.Management of Correspondent Banks

The Bank collects and appropriately assesses information on Correspondent Banks and takes appropriate measures for each bank’s risk, if necessary. The Bank prohibits transactions with shell banks, which have no business presence.

5.Training for Officers and Employees

The Bank continually provides training to all of its officers and employees to enable them to acquire knowledge and raise their awareness of AML/CFT measures.

6.Evaluation of Compliance

The Bank regularly evaluates its compliance with AML/CFT measures and endeavors to improve the continuing and organizational framework.